Nagasaki/ Peace Park

Stereoscopic photography (3D photo): please see with cross eyed method
get off a tram at Matsuyama-machi, and go across the road, then you'll come to the entrance steps to Nagasaki Peace Park

Pond of Peace, at the top of the steps

Many monuments delivered from all over the world praying peace

Plaza in front of the Peace Statue

Peace Statue

We have a light even in the dark

get off a tram at Matsuyama-machi, and go across the road, then you'll come to the entrance steps to Nagasaki Peace Park

Pond of Peace, at the top of the steps

Many monuments delivered from all over the world praying peace

Plaza in front of the Peace Statue

Peace Statue

We have a light even in the dark

  • Map of Nagasaki Peace Park in Japan guide com.
  • Nagasaki Peace Park in Wikipedia

  • return to 3D Japan tour